Current Stock Report

The current stock report is a summary of the current inventory levels of all products in a warehouse. It provides an overview of the total quantity of each product that is currently available in the warehouse.

This report is typically comprised of the following columns:

  • Warehouse: The warehouse where the product is present

  • Storage Location: The specific storage location within the warehouse where the product is stored

  • SKU: The stock-keeping unit of the product

  • Product: Name of the product

  • UOM: Unit of measure of the product

  • On Hand Qty: Current stock of the product

Businesses can customize the current stock report by filtering it based on parameters such as warehouse and storage location. This enables them to view their inventory data in a way that is most relevant to their specific requirements.

The report provides information about the availability of products in stock, including the number of units available. By reviewing the current stock report, businesses can make informed decisions about sales, purchasing, and inventory management.

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