
When creating a new user in CW Suite Sales, you'll need to provide the following information: Business Unit selection, User's first name, User's last name, User's username, Role assignment, Enabling admin status (if applicable), Business Unit access, and Role access.

Business Unit : Select the specific Business Unit to which the user will be associated. This ensures that the user has access to the relevant data and functionalities within that particular unit.

First Name and Last Name: Enter the user's first name and last name to identify them within the system.

User name: Assign a unique username for the user, which will be used for authentication and login purposes.

Role: Determine the role or position that the user will have within the system. This could be a Sales Representative, Manager, Administrator, or any other role that aligns with the user's responsibilities.

Admin : If the user is to have administrative privileges, enable the admin status for their account. Admins typically have additional permissions and access rights within the system.

Business Unit Access: Specify the level of access the user should have within the assigned Business Unit. This includes permissions to view, modify, or manage specific data related to that unit.

Role Access: Define the access rights and permissions associated with the assigned role. This determines which features, modules, or functionalities the user can access and use within the CW Suite Sales system.

Last updated