Sales Summary Report
A Sales Summary Report provides an overview of sales-related information for a given period
Customer: The name or identifier of the customer who made the purchase.
Store: The specific physical location or store where the sale took place.
Order Date: The date when the order was placed.
SO Doc: Sales Order document number.
SI Doc: Sales Invoice document number.
Shipment Doc: Shipment document number.
SKU: Stock Keeping Unit, a unique identifier for a specific product.
HSN Code: Harmonized System of Nomenclature code, a standardized code used for classifying products.
Product: The name or description of the product sold.
Tax Name: The name or type of tax applied to the sale.
Delivery Date: The date when the delivery is scheduled or completed.
Pay Date: The date when the payment is expected or received.
Delivery Location: The location where the delivery is made.
Delivery Status: The status of the delivery (e.g., shipped, delivered, pending).
Receive Qty: The quantity of products received or delivered.
Discount: Any discount applied to the sale.
Standard Rate: The standard price or rate of the product.
Tax Amount: The amount of tax applied to the sale.
Total Net Amount: The total amount after subtracting discounts and taxes.
Total Amount: The total amount before applying discounts and taxes.
Balance Amount: The remaining amount to be paid by the customer.
Advance: Any advance or partial payment made by the customer.
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